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Uzbekistan University Students Learn About Saemaul Development N

  • Writer PR team
  • Date : 2024.04.24 09:55
  • Publication Date : 2024.04.17
  • Views : 7655

Department of Saemaul Established at Samarkand State University in September 2023

YU Professor Delivers Saemaul Studies Lectures in English 

Plans to Establish Departments of Saemaul in Cambodia, Uzbekistan, Ethiopia, and Tajikistan 

[April 17, 2024]


<Students from Samarkand State University in Uzbekistan are participating in a live online lecture by a YU professor on the subject of Saemaul Studies>

 "Hello everyone, I'm Professor LEE Byeong-wan from YU, teaching a course titled 'Understanding Saemaul International Development' this semester. I am thrilled to meet you online and in person."

On April 15th at 3:00 p.m. (11:00 a.m. Uzbekistan time), students from Samarkand State University gathered for a live online lecture by Prof. LEE Byeong-wan of YU. Despite a four-hour time difference and a distance of 4,343 kilometers, the online meeting between the Korean professor and the Uzbek university students facilitated an exchange of knowledge.

In June of last year, YU (President CHOI Oe-chool) signed an agreement with Uzbekistan's Samarkand State University (President Halmuradov), pledging educational cooperation to disseminate the values of the Saemaul movement and Saemaul development As a follow-up, the Department of Saemaul was established at Samarkand State University in August of last year, with the first 15 students admitted in September.

Upon completing two years of education at Samarkand State University, these 15 students will continue their studies at YU for an additional two years, starting in September 2025. Upon completing all undergraduate courses and meeting graduation requirements, they will receive a "double degree," simultaneously obtaining bachelor's degrees from both Samarkand State University and YU.

 To ensure the success of the cross-border dual degree program, YU established a dedicated English-only department in March of this year and made preparations to welcome students. Furthermore, four graduates from Samarkand State University have been accepted as new students in the master's program at Park Chung Hee School of Policy and Saemaul (PSPS) and are undergoing faculty training. Upon graduation, they will return to Samarkand State University to teach students in the Department of Saemaul Studies and apply the principles of the Saemaul movement in Uzbekistan.

 Additionally, YU will offer specialized courses taught directly by YU professors from April to June to help students at Samarkand State University understand the Saemaul Movement properly. Among the total of 15 weeks of lectures, half will be conducted in real-time online format, while the remaining half will be delivered through direct instruction on-site by dispatched professors.

 Regarding these efforts, YU President CHOI Oe-chool stated, "One of the crucial factors for the success of the Saemaul Movement was trust among each other. Trust enables cooperation and allows for concessions and consideration in any endeavor." He further remarked, "While dispatching our university professors to Samarkand State University is not an obligation, providing proper education to students who enrolled to learn about the Saemaul Movement is our responsibility. Through this, I hope our university can demonstrate the mindset and attitude with which we treat students and instill trust in them." 

 Meanwhile, YU has continued its efforts to share Saemaul with universities in developing countries. In September 2021, it established the Department of Saemaul Economics at Western University in Cambodia and introduced the 2+2 dual degree program for the first time. The 22 Cambodian students participating in the program arrived at YU in September of this year and will continue their studies for the remaining two years. Upon successful completion of their two years of undergraduate studies, they will receive bachelor's degrees in Saemaul Studies from both universities. 

 Additionally, President CHOI Oe-chool, serving as an advisor to the governor, is also on the verge of establishing the Department of Sustainable Saemaul Forestry at Werabe University in Amhara, Ethiopia, and the executive team of Werabe University is scheduled to visit YU at the end of May. Furthermore, the Ministry of Agriculture in Tajikistan has requested YU's cooperation for the installation of a Department of Saemaul Studies at local universities, indicating YU's prospects for solidifying its position as a global hub for Saemaul Movement education.